Course information

  • Half a day
  • 10 October 2024 


The investment is €795,- per participant (ex. VAT).

Included are templates, the course material, beverages and lunch.

AI Design Sprint™: Opportunity Mapping

Unlock new strategic opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in your organization.

As AI continues to evolve rapidly, many leaders in the high-tech industry struggle to determine where AI can create the most value within their organization. Our new

workshop will help managers explore where AI can help drive innovation and growth.

Introducing the AI Design Sprint™: Opportunity Mapping workshop

In just 4 hours, this hands-on workshop helps managers identify new, high-value areas in their organization where AI can have transformative impact to accelerate your business. This is a strategic workshop, No technical knowledge about artificial intelligence is needed.

Discover where AI fits

Designed for busy managers, this workshop understands your time constraints and simplifies the exploration of AI. Using the AI Cards deck, participants will quickly identify new AI opportunities tailored to the company structure, overall large departments and business areas. With the structured workshop process and the intuitive AI Cards deck, you’ll efficiently uncover high level strategic AI opportunities. In a short time, you gain a clear understanding of how AI can be leveraged to drive innovation and solve key business challenges. At the end you'll have new insights that can serve as a starting point for the other AI Design workshops: AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation (to enhance your operations with AI) or for the AI Design Sprint™: Products & Services (where you learn to create new AI-driven solutions for your products and service offerings).

Download Brochure

*The AI Design Sprint™ is © by 33A and is offered in partnership with Holland Innovative.


  • Discover AI opportunities to drive innovation and streamline operations.
  • Get actionable insights into AI applications without technical expertise.
  • Learn how AI boosts productivity and adds value in R&D, product development, and customer experience.
  • Define an AI roadmap that aligns with your business goals.
  • Facilitate seamless AI adoption and gain faster stakeholder buy-in.
  • Prepare teams to explore and accelerate AI projects.

Teaching professionals.

Tjerja Geerts MBA

Tjerja Geerts MBA

Sr. Data science & Artificial Intelligence
With a deep expertise in AI and data science, Tjerja excels in guiding multidisciplinary teams to develop user-centric AI solutions and align them with business strategies. His strong focus on collaboration and innovation makes him an ideal trainer for the AI Design Sprint, helping participants to effectively integrate AI into their business operations and drive meaningful innovation


We help your business find new strategic opportunities where AI can add value. The AI Design Sprint™: Opportunity Mapping workshop is a must for any leader looking to future-proof their organization.

AI Design Sprint™: Opportunity Mapping

Yes, I'm joining

What you'll learn

Part 1

Organizational Insights and Opportunity Mapping

  • Validate Structure: Ensure your organizational diagram reflects reality for accurate AI mapping.
  • Identify Pain Points: Pinpoint challenges that AI can solve.
  • Highlight Key Areas: Mark core business areas that drive your company's success.
  • Future-Proof Your Business: Spot opportunities aligned with future goals and growth.
  • Map Existing AI Use: Visualize where AI is already in place to identify gaps.
  • Explore AI Potential: Match AI categories to departments and uncover how AI can improve processes.
  • Assess AI Impact: Evaluate where AI will have the greatest influence on your business.


Part 2

Financial Evaluation of AI Opportunities

  • Prioritize Opportunities: Identify the top 6 most impactful AI initiatives for further analysis.
  • Evaluate Financial Gains: Understand the ROI, time savings, and quality improvements from each opportunity.
  • Estimate Costs: Break down implementation costs for each solution.

Part 3

Final Prioritization and Decision

  • Narrow to Top 3: Select the top 3 AI projects based on financial impact and business priorities.
  • Choose the Best AI Initiative: Decide on the most valuable AI opportunity to act on immediately.

Practical information.

For whom

This training is designed for:

  • Executive leadership, C-level (decision makers)
  • Manager/member of the transformation team, (CIO, AI, Digitalization team)
  • Manager of a business department
  • Business & IT consultants


After completing the course, participants receive proof of participation. 

Location & Dates

Eindhoven – High Tech Campus 29 

Enschede – The Gallery, Hengelosestraat 500

Dates 2024

10 October