Improve the development of robust designs and reduce errors in the process

Defining the criteria for quality, costs, and deadlines for each step to achieve the desired results is the minimum required of a Product and Process development professional. We offer the combination of technical knowledge, business understanding, and soft skills to move your career path to the next level.

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Develop your product & process development competences.


To reduce variation in the entire process

Avoid face technical issues popping up late in the development process, forcing you to resort to quick fixes, saving time and money for your product launch.

Quickly identify the market's needs

Figure out if your team is well trained in fact-based, value-driven product development and can recognize which data is useful in your product development process.

Knowledge of the best available methodologies

Understand and safely apply the main methodologies used in the market, whether they are DMAIC, DIDOV, or CRISP-DM.

Product and Process Development Courses

One Day Workshop Six Sigma

Courses for Engineers and Developers Product and Process Development

Become familiar with the strategic importance of a structured approach such as DfSS and DMAIC.

Marcel Logger
Marcel Logger
Competence Lead Six Sigma & Master Black Belt
  • 1 day

User Group Six Sigma

Courses for Engineers and Developers Product and Process Development

The Six Sigma User Group is an interactive meeting for people who know the theory, but experience difficulties with the application in practice.

Dr. Ko Dousma
Dr. Ko Dousma
Sr. Product Process Specialist & Master Black Belt
  • 1 day

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt for Management

Courses for Project Managers Courses for Engineers and Developers Product and Process Development
 As a leader in your company, it is crucial for you to understand why implementing Lean Six Sigma is imperative and the impact it can have.
Hein Timmermans
Hein Timmermans
Sr Projectmanager
  • 1 day

What we believe works.

In 15+ years of practice, we have generated a clear vision of what competences are needed in different business environments and job roles.

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