Academy per competence


Project management has become a real competence nowadays. In today’s business world project management capacities are important at almost all levels of an organization. Due to all the challenges the demand for agility and complexity reduction is growing.

040 (1)

Lift off imminent


The agile mindset

Not only theoretical knowledge, but the application of the daily practice. Be able to deal with changes in an agile way.
Post it board

Bring structure into a project

Learn the characteristics of a project in an innovation environment, planning, execution and heartbeat.
HI way of working

Challenge based learning

Focus on conceptual thinking, creativity, structure and personal & situational leadership.


HI-PM1 Project Management Masterclass

Courses for Project Managers Project Management

This course will teach you the essence and application of project management and Agile leadership. 

Wim Schouten
Wim Schouten
Sr. Project Manager
  • 4 days

HI-PM2 Project-based Work in an R&D Environment

Courses for Project Managers Project Management

Learn how to organize a project with structure and flow in an R&D  environment.

Wim Schouten
Wim Schouten
Sr. Project Manager
  • 2 days

Organizational Design for Tech Innovation

Courses for Project Managers Project Management
Focus on short time to market and crossing the sales chasm!
Bert van Appeven
Bert van Appeven
Owner van Appeven | Idea to Business
  • 1 day

ODW Survival Crash Course in Idea Generation

Courses for Project Managers Project Management
Combine creative thinking, critical thinking and complex problem solving with your specialized knowledge and job/life experience. 
Marijn van der Poll
Marijn van der Poll
Industrial designer, strategic advisor, author, lecturer and partner at design firm vanderPolloffice
  • 1 day