HI-PP8 Data Science for Engineers

Learn how data science can make a difference.


Training informatie


The investment is €2.990 (excl. VAT) per participant.

Included are four training days and extensive course materials. 

Data Science for Engineers

Data science creates new opportunities for engineers. It utilizes data-driven analysis techniques, provides frameworks for formulating and solving problems, and follows a project-based approach. In short, data science takes problem-solving and improvement to a higher level with new analyses, new forms of data, and new opportunities!

In recent decades, we have witnessed the spectacular rise of advanced analysis techniques stemming from the field of statistical learning. Machine learning and AI have emerged as groundbreaking forces in technological advancement, and engineers working with data can make a difference.

What you'll learn

This program helps you understand how new forms of data and new analytical techniques are reshaping the industry.

It provides you with a solid and practical foundation in machine learning upon which you can further build your mastery of the data science discipline.


  • Enrich your skills as a data engineer with this comprehensive and engaging training! Discover the secrets of data science, machine learning, and AI, and learn how to apply these powerful techniques in CRISP-DM projects and the smart industry.

  • Dive into the fascinating world of Python, Jupyter notebooks, and Anaconda, and learn how to effectively use these tools in an analytical environment specifically designed for data engineers.

  • Unleash your creativity with practical visualizations using Python's popular libraries Matplotlib and Seaborn, and bring your data to life.

  • Explore the wonderful world of machine learning with Python's SciKit-Learn and immerse yourself in essential predictive algorithms such as lasso regression, decision trees, random forest method, support-vector machines, neural networks, and deep learning. Also, discover the power of unsupervised learning techniques like principal component analysis and t-SNE.

  • Learn to apply a practical workflow: from feature engineering and data preprocessing to model training and fine-tuning hyperparameters using cross-validation. Gain a grasp of model evaluation and implementation in an efficient pipeline.

  • Finally, lay the foundations of data engineering, explore data pipelines, and learn to work with SQL and NoSQL data sources, so that you are ready to conquer the world of data engineering!

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Wist je dat...

... according to IBM, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day (that's 2.5 followed by 18 zeros!) and more than 90% of the data in the world has been generated in the past two years.

Course Teachers

Jerry de Groot

Jerry de Groot

Data Scientist
Specialized in medical device technology after studying applied physics, Jerry learned statistics and data science through academic research in the Amsterdam Medical Center. He is keen in figuring out how things work (or don’t), loves prototyping and has a natural ability to explain complex abstractions in plain language.

Practical information

For whom

he program is aimed at professionals who are eager to enrich their expertise with machine learning and data science.

The program includes multiple engineering examples and covers the CRISP-DM framework, the data science industry standard equivalent of DMAIC in the Six Sigma discipline. The program also covers examples and exercises in Python, a popular open-source programming language for data science. Prior knowledge of Python is not necessary.


Participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Location & Dates


Eindhoven – High Tech Campus 29 


Dates 2024 Eindhoven


Group Size 

A minimum of 8 participants, with a maximum of 12 participants.

Sign up now by filling in the following form

After your preliminary enrollment, we will schedule a telephone intake conversation with you.

During this conversation, we will discuss the training content, how this training will help you with your challenges, and address any further questions you may have.

Start your data science journey today!



Data Science for Engineers.

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