Course information

  • 4 days
  • 7 and 21 May, 11 and 25 June 2025


The investment is €3.450 (excl. VAT) per participant.

Included are course materials, daily lunch, and drinks.


Project Management Masterclass

At our company, our mission is to help customers succeed with projects, product development, realization, and production by sharing our knowledge and expertise in methodology and technology. Therefore, we are delighted to offer our Project Management Masterclass, an intensive 4-day training that focuses on enhancing your project management skills.

Increasingly, project managers are expected to deal with challenging objectives, diverse stakeholder interests, and numerous dependencies between sub-projects, resulting in growing complexity. This Masterclass not only provides theoretical knowledge but also practical applications for agile handling of changes.

And that's not all. Our Masterclass sets the bar even higher. In addition to the agile aspect, the project manager also learns to enforce changes themselves. This promotes effective and proactive behavior combined with personal leadership. In short, the Project Management Masterclass is the perfect way to take your skills to the next level and make your projects succeed. Sign up now and discover how you can elevate your career with our training.

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After our Project Management Masterclass at Holland Innovative Academy, you're not just a project manager, but a true influencer in your field.

Embrace uncertainties, enhance your leadership skills, and seamlessly integrate various project management methods.

The outcome? A fortified ability to proactively influence your environment, smoother project progress despite changes, and a demonstrable increase in project efficiency and success. Transform your approach and achieve measurable advancements in your projects.



Project Management Masterclass

Book my spot


  • The power of action. How to take control, surprise your environment and create the ultimate feeling of "smooth sailing".
  • How to integrate project management with systems engineering and other methods.
  • How to integrate project management into your own work processes and how to make sure you do so.

Teaching professionals.

Wim Schouten

Wim Schouten

Sr. Project Manager
Wim is a result- and people driven experienced program manager, managing innovative and ambitious multidisciplinary technical product development projects. Over 30 years of experience with successful project management, change management of people and organization, over 25 years as manager. Besides this he is a certified coach. He translates strategy and policy into concrete targets, projects and processes and leads the execution.
Hein Timmermans

Hein Timmermans

Sr Projectmanager
Hein is an analytical professional with a hands-on mentality. He is well organized, result and fact driven and shows leadership in every project. An experienced project manager at multinationals that operate globally. He adds knowledge of quality methodologies (Six Sigma Black belt) to his project management skills. As trainer of the Project management Masterclass he inspires and motivates participants in bringing heartbeat into their projects

What you’ll learn.

Block 1 - day 1/2

Day 1

The mindset of the influencing project manager

  • The power of action and taking initiative
  • The V-model, Agile work and the product creation process
  • The project preparation and stakeholder management

Day 2

Leadership and other behavioural competences

  • The project organization
  • Factor 10 behaviour, communication and teamwork
  • Situational leadership, motivation and involvement

Block 2 - day 3/4

Day 3

Making a plan as a thinker and doer

  • The 10 steps of the planning process (including Scrum)
  • Project decomposition, structuring and estimating
  • Workshop ‘PBS, Design for X and the critical parameter’

Day 4

Project execution and control; heartbeat!

  • Planning tips and tricks: the tool must help you!
  • Heartbeat and the blind finch
  • Project implementation in practice
  • Change management

Practical information.

For whom

The Masterclass Project Management is intended for a project manager, system engineer, buyer, lead engineer, supply chain manager and anyone else who wants to work on personal leadership, project management skills and environmental management. The Masterclass is also accessible and suitable for people without a technical background. 


After completing the full training, you receive proof of participation.  

After the Project Management Masterclass with the accompanying self-study, you are ready for the theory exam. The IPMA C theory exam takes 3 hours and consists of only open questions. After passing the theory exam you will receive the IPMA C theory partial certificate. 

From the moment you have booked the IPMA C theory exam, you have 18 months to successfully complete the assessment. The following guidance steps are crucial in this: 

Step 1: Intake based on your experience documents. 
Step 2: Guidance in drawing up the management summary and your self-assessment. 
Step 3: 2x Feedback round 
Step 4: Preparation for the IPMA C assessment interview 

Location & Dates

Eindhoven – High Tech Campus 29 
Enschede –  Hengelosestraat 500 (Building The Gallery) 

Dates 2025

Session I - Enschede

8 April, 6 and 20 May, and 11 June

Session II - Eindhoven

7 and 21 May, 11 and 25 June

Session III - Eindhoven

9 and 23 September, 7 and 28 October

Session IV - Enschede

30 September, 29 October, 12 and 26 November

Session V - Eindhoven

29 October, 12 and 26 November, and 10 December


Group size 

A maximum of 10 participants