Meet Harm Derks: Your Next Go-To Expert for All Things Reliability


Ever wondered what happens when you mix applied mathematics with a dash of enthusiasm and a pinch of creativity? You get Harm Derks, our resident Reliability Specialist at Holland Innovative! Since Harm joined us in late 2022, he’s been using his unique skill set to tackle complex challenges and help companies enhance their products and processes.

Why Harm is the Expert You Didn’t Know You Needed

Harm Derks is no ordinary Reliability Specialist. With a background in applied mathematics, he brings a refreshing analytical perspective to the field. Imagine having someone who sees data as a playground and can predict problems before they even show up at your door. That’s Harm for you! His natural talent for solving complex issues and his passion for sharing knowledge make him a standout expert in Reliability and RCA.

What Makes Harm’s Work So Rewarding?

Harm thrives on making the mysterious world of Reliability less daunting. He loves the challenge of integrating Reliability into companies where the concept is as foreign as alien technology. For Harm, every problem is a puzzle waiting to be solved, and he’s here to help you piece it all together.

The Tools of the Trade

When Harm isn’t busy making diving into data, he’s working his magic with Python. Whether it’s automating tedious tasks or crafting algorithms to predict component lifespans, Harm is always deep in the data trenches, finding solutions that others might miss.

Future Plans: Exciting things ahead

Harm isn’t just resting on his successes. He’s set his sights on becoming a senior reliability expert with a strong focus on data science. Additionally, he wants to expand his passion for knowledge sharing by offering training sessions. And guess what? You don’t have to wait long to see him in action as a trainer. In the spring of 2025, you can catch Harm leading our Data Science for Green Belt to Black Belt training. Mark your calendars—it’s going to be a game-changer!

When Should You Call Harm?

If you have a challenging reliability problem or a burning question about data science, Harm is your guy. Just don’t call him when he’s in the middle of a rugby match or cooking up a storm—unless you want a side of sports commentary or a recipe for disaster (the good kind)! 

Want to see what Harm can do for you? Drop him an email at to schedule a coffee chat. He’s always up for a stimulating conversation and a good cup of coffee. Or, give our office a ring if you prefer a more traditional approach: +31 (0)40 851 4610.

So, don’t wait! Reach out to Harm and discover how his expertise can help in your projects and make your challenges disappear.