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New Change Management Module by Felice Manshanden Transforms the Advanced Leadership Program

Written by Holland Innovative | Sep 10, 2024 8:55:39 AM

At Holland Innovative, progress is key, and this philosophy extends to our Advanced Leadership Program (ALP). This program is designed to help professionals grow their leadership skills and prepare for the next step within their organizations. This year, Holland Innovative introduces a powerful new module developed and delivered by Felice Manshanden, an expert in strengths-based development and change management. Her unique vision offers participants a fresh perspective on managing change within their teams, focusing on personal strength and systematic thinking. In this blog, we’ll introduce Felice, her background, and the value she brings to the program.

Who is Felice Manshanden?

Felice began her career as a nurse, where her fascination with systems first took root. “I’ve always enjoyed thinking in systems—the human body is, of course, a system, but so are organizations. The minds of people also contain systems,” she explains. Although she eventually left healthcare, her passion for systematic thinking and personal development remained central to her career. Felice went on to study social psychology, strategic talent management, and applied philosophy at renowned institutions like Nyenrode and AOG.

What intrigues her most is how people function within larger systems and how these systems can be optimized. Felice uses this combination of insights daily in her work as a consultant, helping organizations with talent and organizational development. “I work with startups, scale-ups, and larger organizations. The goal is to help them make better decisions about how to develop their people and their organization.”

The Power of Strengths

In the ALP module that Felice delivers, she focuses specifically on strengths development in combination with change management. This is a topic that is close to her heart. “What I love about strengths development is that it focuses on what people naturally excel at. This concept stems from positive psychology, a field that immediately captivated me when I encountered it.”

According to Felice, strengths development goes beyond simply recognizing someone’s talents. It’s about how you effectively leverage these strengths within a team, especially during times of change. "Often, strengths are not fully utilized, particularly during change processes. My module helps leaders identify where their team members excel and how to strategically use these talents to achieve greater success."

The Overlooked Aspect of Change

Felice sees change management as a frequently overlooked aspect of project management. “There’s a lot of focus on efficiency in project management, which is great, but we often forget the people who need to adopt the changes. That’s where my module comes in—how to bring people along effectively in change processes and how to leverage their strengths.”

She explains that there is an important distinction between project management and change management. “In many organizations, the people aspect—change management—is often neglected, with significant consequences. Project management tends to focus too much on predictability and controlling processes. This so-called ‘design illusion’ leads to failed change projects because reality often cannot be fully controlled. Underestimating the complexity and dynamics within an organization can result in ineffective and costly change initiatives.”

Felice emphasizes the importance of a broader vision, in which Hooman’s complexity perspective helps leaders understand change. “What happens in an organization is often not thanks to, but despite, all the project management methods imposed on it. By closely observing the actual dynamics within the organization, you gain a strong feedback loop that helps you make better decisions in your action plan.”

Evolutionary Perspective on Change Management

One of the most interesting approaches Felice introduces in her module is the evolutionary perspective on change. This perspective helps participants understand that change often happens in a natural, unmanageable way. "Humanity itself is a large change management project," says Felice. “Change happens on its own, without being explicitly managed. By understanding how evolutionary mechanisms work, leaders can make better choices during change processes.”

She cites running pilots as an example of how to apply this perspective. “Instead of sticking to a rigid plan, run a pilot, review the results, and adjust the selection criteria. This is a way to systematically experiment with change, leading to a more flexible and effective approach.”

Practical Tools for Effective Leadership

Participants in Felice’s module can expect both theoretical insights and practical tools. One of the techniques she covers is how leaders can communicate and sell their plans effectively to their teams. “Strong leaders are not only able to formulate a vision, but they also know how to persuade their teams to follow that vision,” says Felice. She shares practical tips from classical rhetoric to achieve this. “How do you sell an idea? How do you get everyone on board? These are questions we explore in the module.”

Additionally, Felice explains that leaders should not only focus on what happens on the surface (on-stage behavior) but also on the dynamics behind the scenes (off-stage behavior). “People can appear enthusiastic and motivated in the spotlight, but behind the scenes, there are often other interests at play. It’s crucial for leaders to understand what’s really going on to get everyone on board in a change process.”

The Value of the Module within the ALP

Felice’s new module is a valuable addition to the broader Advanced Leadership Program. The program’s goal is to make leaders more effective in their roles, and Felice’s contribution enhances that effectiveness by emphasizing the importance of strengths and change management. “What I want participants to take away is that there’s often more happening in organizations than what you can control or see. But if you recognize these processes, you can influence them.”

Her module provides participants with the insights and tools to not only manage change but to make the most of it. By focusing on what works and leveraging strengths, changes become more valuable and are implemented more successfully. This makes her module indispensable for leaders looking to improve their ability to lead projects and teams effectively.

A Golden Tip for Leaders

When asked what her golden tip for leaders would be, Felice is clear: “Don’t just focus on making your goals clear, but also listen and understand what’s happening within your team. The broader your perspective and the more you understand the different interests at play, the better you’ll be at getting your team on board.”

Leadership is not a one-way street, she emphasizes. By paying attention to both the individual and collective strengths of the team, leaders can achieve much more. “It’s about balance: listening, understanding, and then leading. Only then can you make the most of the change processes and the people around you.”

Learn How to Effectively Guide Change and Strengthen Your Leadership with the ALP

Are you ready to deepen your leadership skills and better manage change within your organization? The Advanced Leadership Program at Holland Innovative gives you the opportunity to work with experts like Felice Manshanden. Discover how to maximize your team’s strengths and successfully implement change management. Do you want to grow as a leader and take your team to new heights? Join the ALP and enrich your leadership journey.