Hereby the link to the photos of the Reliability Seminar 2021 to get an impression of the event.

Reliability Seminar on Data Science for Reliability & Root Cause Analysis
Learn all there is to know.
With this Seminar you’ll have the opportunity:
To connect and share knowledge and experiences with data science and reliability experts and enthusiasts.
This will enable you to accelerate your projects, improve quality and reliability, start co-developments and discover opportunities for growth.
Keynote speakers.

Dr. Martin Dazer
Head of Reliability and Drive Technology Department at Institute of Machine Components, University of StuttgartLearn about the newest insights and trends on Reliability 2.0, Data Science, and Root Cause Analysis.

You will have the opportunity to connect and share knowledge and experiences with data science and reliability experts and enthusiasts. This will enable you to accelerate your projects, improve quality and reliability, start co-developments and discover opportunities for growth.
We will explore the importance of reliability in the high tech industry by diving into the following topics:
- What can Data Science mean for Root Cause Analysis, Condition Monitoring and Reliability Prediction?
- Will it lead to Reliability Engineering 2.0 – Life Time prediction per machine or per component based on machine data?
- How to collect the proper information and how to transform this into usable data?
- How to model the data to get accurate predictions?
- What is the role of the Reliability Engineer in connection with Data Science
Want to know more about our speakers' ideas?
Don't miss the articles below and stay in the loop.

Reliability Seminar 2021, Impression and Shared Info
Presentation of Elly van den Bliek - Welcome word of Holland Innovative
Presentation of Prof. Tiedo Tinga
Presentation of Dr. Martin Dazer
Presentation of Dorien Lutgendorf
Presentation of Maarten de Leuw will not be shared.
Presentation of Anders Gottfred Aaen will not be shared.
Presentation of Jeroen van Rijt
Presentation of Evelyne Janssen - van Dam, Henk Stolk, Paul Groenen
Presentation of Maarten van Noorden will not be shared.
Reliability & Data Science Seminar 2022
If you would like to apply subjects or speakers for the Reliability & Data Science Seminar in 2022 please send us an email at:

Learn all there is to know about Reliability 2.0, Data Science, and Root Cause Analysis.